We have opened our mentorship program to new breeders!!
A mentor is someone who is dedicated to training you to become a reputable breeder. Breeding hedgehogs is difficult without a mentor. Breeders do not sell to individuals wanting to breed without a mentor or established herd initials, and mentorship programs are scarce throughout the hedgehog breeding community.
Pedigrees explained by our friend Gail at Critter Connection:
We are here to help you learn about hedgehogs in a breeding setting, gain a reputation throughout the US breeding community, establish your herd, learn about identifying physical traits that meet conformation standards, and we are available to answer questions.
If you are thinking about breeding hedgehogs, please know, it comes with various risks of injury to your hedgehogs. It is work, you will be required to put a lot of your time, effort, and money into your hobby and your hedgehogs!
Pets are not breeding animals. Please understand that not all pedigreed animals are considered breeding quality (examples of these are runts). We only select the best pedigreed hedgehogs to participate in breeding throughout US programs.
Most importantly always breed to improve health, longevity and exceptional personalities. We do not recommend that anyone becomes a breeder unless they are convinced that their knowledge, experience, and devotion to their hedgehogs will result in exceptional litters of babies, with qualities that are ideal for hedgehogs.
You should breed only when they are sure they can find appropriate homes for your baby hedgehogs. You are expected to place babies in homes that you believe will provide a lifelong commitment of love, care and appreciation, including adequate vet care.
Honesty and professionalism are extremely important to us!
If Coastal Quills agrees to mentor you, we will:
Educate you on the proper practices of breeding hedgehogs.
Be available to answer your messages daily
Teach you how to track pedigrees.
Guide you through emergencies until you are able to see a vet.
Vouch for you, so that you can become a registered breeder.
We expect you to:
Exclusively breed pedigreed hedgehogs and track pedigrees on their offspring.
Always conduct themselves in a professional manner.
Operate with a United States standard of care and cleanliness.
Come to us first when you have questions.
Consult with us before contacting another breeder or making any breeding related decisions until we have decided your mentorship is complete.
Sell all offspring to only pet homes or until you are on an official US Registry.
Never, ever sell hedgehogs to breeders who do not track pedigrees.
Operate ethically, properly pre screen your adopters and stand by sound contracts for your hedgehogs in all circumstances!
​Currently we are looking for dedicated individuals to the species in areas that are not overwhelmed currently with breeders.
For a list of breeders by state: https://www.hedgielist.com/reference_breeders_bystate.php
If you agree to all of the above expectations, complete the application below. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.